Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Birch Aquarium, San Diego's Little Gem

See Video and Details at San Diego Real Time.
   Birch Aquarium is one of those little gems of San Diego attractions. Perched above the cliffs overlooking Scripps Pier, it is usually filled with visitors who come to see the fascinating sea creatures.
 The aquariums house many types of sea dwelling beings. .There are sea horses, eels, jellyfish, sharks, giant gropers and various others.
     On October, 20th, my wife and I decided to pay the aquarium a visit.  We were surprised to see so many other people had that same idea.  It doesn’t attract the super huge crowds that Sea World and the San Diego Zoo.   For a facility its size, the turnout was impressive.
      In the center of the complex, there is an area that replicates the tide pools.  It provides a spectacular view of the La Jolla shoreline.
    On the south side, there are many exhibits that emphasis the dangers of greenhouse gases and CO2 emissions. They educate on how we can improve our environment.
              The north side has most of the fish and other sea animals.  Some of the aquariums really mimic the ocean environment. Beautiful colored fish swim among the rocks and kelp. Long thin fish positioned vertically swim sideways.  There are star fish, octopi, crustacions  and shell fish.
      One of the most interesting films was a segment on sea horses giving birth.  The male seahorses actually give birth to the offspring.  In the final stages of birthing, females actually transfer their eggs to a pouch in the males.  The males experience labor contractions as they deliver.
        The Birch Aquarium appears to attract a lot of young couples with small children.  There is area on the south side that has interactive exhibits especially for the kids.  However, the aquarium is a great place for a couple or group to spend an afternoon.